By Serikudi Abdulsamod( Siwes student Ogitech.)
Organized labor and the Federal Government are set to resume negotiations, with the NLC meeting outcomes shaping upcoming talks.
The NLC condemns the assault on workers in Imo State, citing it as a threat to freedom of association and collective bargaining, rights protected by the Nigerian Constitution and ILO Conventions.
Ajaero, NLC President, welcomes participants to the 2023 Harmattan School, focusing on enhancing workers’ skills for policy engagement and reiterating the commitment to advocating for workers’ rights.
The NLC is resolute in championing decent work and improved conditions for both formal and informal sector workers.
Demands are made on the Imo State Government to address labor issues, reinstate victimized workers, and redress outstanding salaries and pensions, aiming to alleviate workers’ hardships.
The assault in Imo State is decried as a violation of constitutional and international standards, urging condemnation.
The NLC calls on governments to recognize the challenges faced by workers, exacerbated by the removal of fuel subsidies, contributing to inflation, inequality, and poverty.
Expressing concern, the NLC emphasizes the importance of a motivated and well-paid workforce for national development.
Participants at the 2023 School are encouraged by the NLC to approach training with a thirst for learning, engaging in knowledge exchange.
The NLC extends gratitude to representatives from various organizations, including the Minister of Labor and Employment, ILO, NECA, FES, and NAC, for attending the opening session.