Power Relief In Aba:Geometric Plant Delivers 48 Hours Of Uninterrrupted Electricity.

By Iyobhebhe Gift Osareme( IT Student, Ambrose Ali University)

Residents of Aba, Abia State, are reveling in a newfound luxury: 48 consecutive hours of uninterrupted power supply, courtesy of the Geometric Power Plant.

Since activating one of its four turbines last Sunday, February 25, 2024, select areas in Aba have been basking in constant electricity.

Chude, a resident, captured the jubilant atmosphere on video, where a woman exclaimed in English and Igbo, Light choke, Aba to the world. How many days now? See as A.C everywhere just dey chill.”

President Bola Tinubu formally inaugurated the Geometric Power Plant on Monday, marking a pivotal moment in Aba’s energy landscape. Notably, the project traces back to the vision of former Minister of Power, Barth Nnaji, initiated two decades ago.

Governor Alex Otti hailed the project’s realization as a testament to the power of dreams. With reliable electricity now a reality, Aba emerges as an enticing hub for domestic and international enterprises.

The consistent power supply heralds a transformative era for Aba, promising prosperity and growth for the bustling city.

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