By Oyebade Eniola (SIWES student, Ibadan Poly)
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) has established a Climate and Green Energy Desk, a significant initiative under the leadership of its new Director General, Charles Odii.
This desk aims to empower SMEs involved in clean energy solutions and climate-related challenges. Its mission is to provide the necessary support and resources for these businesses to expand their efforts and contribute effectively to combating the climate crisis.
Charles Odii stressed the urgency of this initiative, considering the escalating impact of climate change on key sectors of Nigeria’s economy, particularly agriculture and sustainable power generation.
He emphasized the agency’s dedication to equipping Nigerian SMEs with the means to innovate and create solutions for both national and global climate-related challenges.
The agency is resolute in its commitment to facilitating Nigerian SMEs in taking a leading role in developing technologies and solutions that can make a substantial difference in addressing the climate crisis.
Climate change is already significantly affecting Nigeria, with severe weather events such as flooding, desertification, and unpredictable rainfall patterns causing havoc among local communities and small businesses.
These effects are most acutely felt by underserved communities lacking the necessary resources and infrastructure to adapt to the changing environment. Recognizing the need to address these challenges, Nigerian SMEs can play a pivotal role in finding solutions.
The SCGED (Climate and Green Energy Desk) initiative is meticulously designed to nurture innovative entrepreneurship aimed at tackling the pressing challenges posed by climate change.
It will conduct research and development to identify and address the specific requirements of SMEs operating within the climate entrepreneurship sector.
Through this initiative, SMEDAN aspires to unlock the full potential of Nigerian SMEs to create solutions that can significantly impact the fight against climate change.
Additionally, the SCGED will establish a comprehensive database of Nigerian SMEs operating within the climate change sector, granting them access to training and capacity-building programs to enhance their skills and knowledge.
This will ensure that these businesses possess the necessary tools and resources to develop and commercialize their innovations, ultimately contributing to increased economic growth and climate resilience.
Inga Stefanowicz, Head of the Green and Digital Economy Section at the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, affirmed that the SCGED initiative aligns with the EU’s priorities in addressing climate challenges, focusing on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and economic diversification for job creation.
She underlined the EU’s commitment to supporting such initiatives and collaborating with partners like the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria to achieve these objectives.
Odii encouraged climate entrepreneurs and SMEs to take full advantage of the support offered by the SCGED initiative, which is an integral part of the global effort to address the imminent threat of climate change.
He urged them to visit the agency’s website to register for support, emphasizing that this is a vital opportunity to make a positive impact.